The finance officer must be a person of proven integrity and experience in handling financial affairs. The post depends on finance, just as any other organization, and will do well to accept expert advice in formulating and administering its financial policy. The finance officer usually serves as the chair of the finance committee and is in charge of all receiving and disbursing of post funds. The post adjutant, in all matters relating to finance, should carry on the work in close correlation with the finance officer. Both officers must be covered by adequate bond. Department headquarters should be consulted for blanket bond arrangement.

Post accounting forms are designed to meet the requirements of Legion posts in maintaining a correct and permanent membership and finance record. Because of their simplicity, they require no special knowledge of bookkeeping or accounting. Every post adjutant and finance officer should insist upon being provided with a set of forms to save time and money for the post. Consult the Emblem Sales catalog for prices and detailed descriptions, or go online to Be prompt in remitting national and department dues, along with the department record card, to department headquarters. Note all payments and other transactions on the post membership register.

Responsibilities at Post 288



Every January the previous years Q4 is due (Oct, Nov, Dec). In April, the current year’s Q1 is due (Jan, Feb, Mar). In July, Q2 is due (Apr, May, Jun). In October Q3 is due (Jul, Aug, Sep).


  • Monthly Bills
  • Monthly Meetings. The finance provides the status of our financial strength.


  • Weekly Payroll
    • Finance Officer
    • Bar Manager
    • Bartenders


  • Cyber Security
  • Bar Inspections (bartender checklist)
  • Gaming deposits (every 48 hours).


  • Background Checks for new Officer or Chairperson (new employees).
  • Maintain and update this website’s content.