Random SXS Sunday

Random SXS Shit Sunday is a weekly collection of a few things:
- The “leftover” mobile pictures from the trips that are left on the cutting room floor after we produce a video of the trip with our GoPro type cameras.
- The things that we do in-between the trips to recover and prepare for the next trip.
- SXS Modifications we’ve done.

The trips to offroad parks are usually several weeks apart, and if you’re making a SXS payment every month, you’re always thinking about it. We are too, so we created Random SXS Sunday to fill the gaps between the rides.
Playlist on YouTube
Coming soon to SXS Sunday
- Trailer setups (tie downs, rail systems, straps, ratchets)
- RZR Walk around
- Commo tests
- Camo setup
- Explain the SXS Challenges, which guidons to use.
- RZR mud in the radiator defense, screen attachments
- gas cans
- RZR rock lights
- RZR bus bar
Other stand alone video ideas
- OV Points video with Emma (or just me)
- Reaction video of [one of our trips | someone else’s trip] using the OV point system
- Develop the badges like we had with 3D Offroad
- RZR electronic warfare (Fugitive Challenge)
- OV Music video of 2023 highlights
- 2024 Model review of RZR, Maverick, KRX, Talon
- 96D Intelligence Briefing for trails.
Call to Action
- Post288 membership & meetings
- Buy our stickers, t-shirts, guidons, etc.